Playlist info for: 'Jewish Community Radio - the Friday Edition' on 01-06-2017

Show nameJewish Community Radio - the Friday Edition
Show DJs Fred
Show infoJewish music and news Jewish oldies, community Jewish events, Israel news, and highlights featuring Jewish organizations and their work
Show link http://wjcu.radioactivity.fm/show.html?showoid=285
Playlist RSS http://wjcu.radioactivity.fm/feeds/playlistrss.html?showoid=285&date=01-06-2017
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
12:30 pm Redemption Time Aaron Razel Aliyah Revolution Israel National Radio World/Ethnic
12:58 pm Teka B'shofer Gadol Chaim Dovid Aliyah Revolution Israel National Radio World/Ethnic

Playlist Artists:
 Aaron Razel
 Chaim Dovid

Playlist Labels:
 Israel National Radio